The Successful Blogging Formula of Gurus
What’s the formula for Successful Blogging? How do you start and grow your blog into a business? What’s the formula for Blogging Success of Internet gurus? What is the secret formula that allows successful bloggers to make money and generate steady income?
Top grosser movies follow a time-tested formula. If you are from India, or have heard about Bollywood (India’s Hollywood), you know that almost all movie is based on a masala script (masala literally means spices in Hindi, but here it means ingredient-based recipe scripts).
Good blogging and content marketing are no different from making top-grosser movies.
Here’s why a formula approach may be valuable for your blog!
Formulas are proven strategies that work. If you’ve been blogging or following blogs for any length of time, some types of posts probably look a bit overdone. There are plenty of gurus who will tell you that the time for list post, for instance, is long gone.
But realize: these list-based articles are popular because they work.
Check any popular website or blog in your niche, and you’ll find the same types of posts showing up again and again. That’s not lazy writing: it’s a conscious decision based on experience.
Blogging Formulas Help You Write
There’s nothing worse than staring at a blank screen, struggling to begin a post. What’s even worse is spending hours on a post, only to realize that the whole thing is so rambling and unstructured, it needs to be scrapped.
Formulas help you get started – and they help you craft the finished product.
Formulas Keep Readers Engaged
Your readers are busy people. If they come to a post that seems disjointed and confusing, they’re going to head elsewhere. A clear formula holds your reader’s attention.
“10 Ways to be Skin a Cat” lets readers know what to expect, and promises a clear, well-organized post.
“My Random Views on Nature” doesn’t.
Make life easy for your readers by delivering information in a straightforward way, and make sure the benefits are clear.
Even if you are blogging for your boring business topics such as emergency key copy locksmith in San Diego (or Chicago or Orlando or any other city for that matter), you must ensure that the content is engaging enough. You are not going to succeed in locksmith business lead generation if your blogging is way too drab. Jazz up your locksmith blog by taking about your community and offering some value to your potential customers.
Formulas aren’t Cast in Stone
Formulas for creating successful blog posts and articles are not cast in stone; they are evolving with changing reader interests.
If you want to stand out and create unique posts, you can formulate your own success recipe for blogging. However, this is advised only for those who have mastered the time-tested recipes. There’s the old saying in the writing professionals’ circle: know the rules to break them. Hence, you should start by imitating the successful strategies before crafting your own.
A good formula can be tweaked or improved upon based on your experience. Here are some ways to tweak common blogging formulae:
- Add quotes, an exercise or a question with each tip
- Publish a round-up article based on inputs of different authors
- Use comments, social posts & tweets to churn a unique article
Formula Provides a Framework
Yes, a formula is somewhat restrictive, but creativity thrives on constraints. If you’re not convinced, give some of these formulas a try. Here are three easy blogging formulas you can use today.
Formula #1: The How to Blog Post
Headline: “How to ______”
Introduction: Explain what the post is going to teach, and mention any prerequisites (e.g. “You’ll need to be familiar with CSS” or “You’ll need an electric drill.”)
Main Body: Go through “Step #1″ “Step #2 ” etc, giving clear instructions for each. You may want to include a screenshot or image for each step.
Conclusion: Tell the reader what they should have accomplished by reading. You might invite them to ask for help in the comments, or point them towards further resources (like an e-book or e-course).
Formula #2: The List Blog Post
Headline: “21 Ways” or “7 Tips ”, etc.
Introduction: Draw the reader in, and make the scope of the list clear.
Main Body: Number each item, and ensure that each offers real value to the reader.
Conclusion: Ask the reader to add to the list (or to mention their favorite tip) in the comments.
Formula #3: The Review Blog Post
Headline: “Review: [Product Name]” or “[Product Name] Review”
Introduction: Explain the product briefly, making clear what it is/does.
Main Body: Consider splitting this into separate sections. It’s up to you what you use, but “Contents” “What I Liked” and “What I Didn’t Like” could be a good basic structure.
Conclusion: Sum up – should the reader buy this item? Who’s it best for? Make sure you include a link.
Don’t be Fooled by the Simplicity of Formulas in Blogging
These formula writing tips are simple, yet effective in bringing you success. All successful names use these formulas, and you can see the structure in their content. Just that successful bloggers do with a twist and flavour to create a truly unique writing style.
Though these formulas are simple, but they work. Add your own flair, a great metaphor, a strong writing voice, and a healthy dose of useful information, and you’ll find that these aren’t just readable posts, they’re high-quality posts with a unique voice and identity.
Before you refuse to use formulas in blogging, remember that formulas are tried and tested, make writing easier for you, and reading easier for your audience.
You can produce high quality blog posts without excessive blood, sweat and tears.